1. Historical Background
2. Concepts
3. Nature and Attributes of a Corporation
4. Separate Juridical Personality and Doctrine of Piercing the Veil of Corporate Fiction
5. Classification of Corporations
6. Corporate Contract Law
7. Articles of Corporation
8. By-Laws
9. Corporate Powers and Authority
10. Directors, Trustees and Officers
11. Stockholders and Members
12. Rights of Stockholders
13. Capital Structure: Shares of Stock
14. Acquisitions, Mergers and Consolidations
15. Rehabilitation and Insolvency
16. Corporate Dissolution and Liquidation
17. Close Corporation
18. Non-stock Corporations and Foundations
19. Foreign Corporations
20. Penalty Provisions of the Code
21. Miscellaneous
ElderTree Faire 2025: A Magical Gathering of Lightworkers, Healers and
Spiritual Seekers in Calamba Laguna
Up until last year when I joined my Pranic Healing family, my spiritual
journey — of service and spreading love and light has been lonely,
difficult and...
3 weeks ago