Every one has a different tip and technique so I've decided to share how much we vary and see what works for you.
Atty. Edgar Dizon (passed 2016 Bar Exam; founder of Law Students Help Group Philippines FB group ) - self review method
1. Get your RedBook2016. Read it along with 2017syllabi AND codal. Cross out each item listed in the syllabus. (Read them per subject)
Why not 2017 materials? Time is the essence. Also, if you check the 2016
and 2017 syllabi and the materials issued by any review schools
there were no significant changes. The contents are almost the same.
2. If Wala Sa RedBook Yung item Sa syllabus, consult your Memory Aid2016. Read theM quickly only to refresh your memory of the concepts. (Use Only 20% of your time)
3. Then, read intently (dig deep) RedNotes, Casedigests, UP Answers, rulings posted in 2017support group, Bersamin cases, and from all other digest cases. Take note of the law (concept again), principles and exceptions (exception to the exception) applied by SC. (Use 80% of your time)
( Magbabasa KA Lang NG reference book if you really don't understand the concept. But be quick, Baka maubos oras mo.)
Bonus: Do not memorize. It's too early. Do it during pre-week. Pre-week is re-reading, updates and practice writing legibly which shall we take on later.
Atty. Duke Ross Sucgang IV (passed 2016 Bar Exam)
There is no formula in passing the bar exam, but I can share 3 tips for passing the Bar exam:
1. Exercise and Study hard - Repetitive readings.
You only have 3 to 4 months to prepare for the bar, so manage your time and expectation to study, master, and finish the eight subjects within that period. As the saying goes, “repetition leads to mastery.” Read and read again. Frequent repetitions are indispensable to ensure final mastery. Be keen on the important provisions and cases, but don’t forget to go back to the basics. Remember also that you don’t need to memorize the provisions or cases verbatim. What is important is to understand what you are reading.
Don’t forget to exercise as well. Exercise increases blood circulation which improves mental processes of memory. It increases your awareness and therefore your ability to concentrate. And most of all, focus! Do not distractions destroy you. Set your mind to focus on your study.
Always remember that “It is not what you do once in a while; it’s what you do day in day out that makes the difference"- Jenny Craig
2. Pray harder
Let me share to you these are the two bible passages that I hold on to during the bar exam:
a. Phil. 4:13: “we can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,”
b. Proverbs 3:5-6: “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.”
Remember the saying: Sa tao ang gawa, nasa Diyos ang awa. All our hard work will be fruitful if we surrender all to God. Our studies and the bar exams will be successful as well as our dreams of becoming a lawyer will be fulfilled if we lay it as our offering to God. Full surrender to Him and He shall make you a lawyer. But don’t forget to give all the glory and praises back to Him once you pass the bar exam. Also, don’t forget to pray while studying and pray before and after the exam and again, surrender your answers to the Lord for surely He will check your booklets for you. Pray for the Bar Chairman and the examiners that they will be enlighten by your answers and give the full credit you deserve. Whatever you do, just trust in the Lord!
3. Claim it
Every time you submit your booklet, claim it that you will become a lawyer. Do not doubt and hesitate. Do not entertain negative thoughts of failing the bar exam. Think positive and invite positivity in your life. Claim that you will pass the bar and claim that you are now a lawyer! Ang Diyos, at hindi si batman, ang bahala sayo!
Atty. Stacy Lyn Y. Liong (passed 2016 Bar Exam)
1. Know Thyself.
Before beginning your bar exam review. Assess yourself.
a. What style of review would work for you?
I knew that I the traffic during my travel to my review school would cause me more stress than good so I opted to enroll to two review schools: Albano for offline review which was a 5-minute ride from home and Chan Robles for online review on days that I am lazy.
I wasn't able to utilize my review at Albano because I only attended there for the pre-week of Sandoval (Political Law), Rian (Guest for Remedial Law) and Civil Law (Albano).
I felt I spent better for Chan Robles Online Review since I watched all lectures of Prof. Villanueva-Castro (Mercantile Law), Hon. Benedicto Kato (Labor Law) and Prof. Brondial (Remedial Law).
I also appreciated that Chan Robles had more options on the lecturers. I actually had to check each of them and choose which one was able to capture my attention the most as well as which was the most comprehendable for me considering their lecture style, voice clarity etc.
However, I noticed that the lectures and jurisprudence are not as updated as the offline review.
The lectures of Chan is also the same as his review book so I found reading to be faster.
Knowing that I read and understand slower than my peers, I only read a textbook and Beda Red Book once. I didn't even finish the first reading on some subjects but I still proceeded to take the exam.
While most of my peers focused on digests, I focused more on basic doctrines and that has worked for me because I am a whole picture person so I prefer understanding from the root and foundation rather than the application.
I also knew that reading all day will bore me so I still went out with the family during weekends. During the time we are travelling, I listened to old recorded audio lectures (2011 lectures of Riano, Uribe and Sandoval) on my Ipod.
I also use the audio lectures whenever I prepare, cook and eat my meals as well as washing my dishes. Every night, I also watched a TV series with my mom. While watching, I also took that as a time to summarize, organize and evaluate myself on what I studied for the day.
b. Know which subjects are your strongest and weakest so you can schedule and alot the duration for them accordingly.
I didn't follow my review schools schedule because I was not comfortable jumping subjects per day.
I wanted to finish a subject entirely before moving on to the next. Looking back, I should have taken this as a consideration for only enrolling at a pre-week review instead of the whole thing.
I knew Political Law and Remedial Law is my weakest so I reviewed that and finished that first. (These are my two highest subjects in the bar)
I then proceeded to Labor Law and Criminal Law which I was able to finish but not with intense understanding as the first two because I was pressured with the time.
I was overly confident with Civil Law so I wasn't able to allot enough time for its review.
I failed to study Land Titles and Deeds and only used stock knowledge for the entire Civil 1.
For Civil 2, I only used Uribe notes.
I only studied Taxation, a day before the exam. I found the lectures more confusing so I used my own notes.
I only studied legal ethics using pre-week materials during the break time before the exam.
2. Be resourceful.
During the beginning of my review, my friend offered me a compilation of all cases penned by the Bar Chairman. I declined it because it was over 700 pages.
After bar results, I realized it really did help my friends who was able to read it.
On the last week of the exam, I found out where to get copies of pre-week of different universities. I wish I knew that earlier. Though be wary of traps. I found some intentional mistakes. Odd enough my friend who shared me the source does not notice it and he also passed the bar so they may not be significant.
I also regret not reading past bar exam questions and lex pareto notes which were proven to be useful.
3. Take care off your health.
Sitting for long period of hours will lower your immunity.
I easily caught colds and flu whenever my siblings catch one from their work place.
I regret not alloting enough time to exercise.
But, I did manage to cook and eat healthy meals.
During my bar exam day, I ate healthy salads from Shakey's Philippines.
For the first two exam days, I couldn't sleep because I was so nervous. I could literally hear my heart pounding all night. I wished I could have gotten more sleep so I didn't feel like a zombie during the bar exam.
I also became a caffeine-holic during my review. I drank coffee, hot cocoa and tea which boosted my focus but disrupted my sleeping habit.
1. Study
2. Exercise
3. Pray
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